Идентификация пластиковых упаковочных пакетов для пищевых продуктов

Food plastic packaging bags are often used in people's lives, but you must be careful when using them. Some plastic packaging bags are toxic and cannot be used to directly store food.

1. Observation with eyes

Non-toxic plastic bags are white, transparent or slightly transparent, and have a uniform texture; toxic plastic bags are colored or white, but have poor transparency and are turbid, and the plastic surface is unevenly stretched and has small particles.

2. Listen with your ears

When the plastic bag is shaken vigorously with the hand, a crisp sound indicates that it is a non-toxic plastic bag; and the small and dull sound is a toxic plastic bag.

3. Touch by hand

Touch the surface of the plastic packaging bag with your hand, it is very smooth and non-toxic; sticky, astringent, waxy feeling is toxic.

4. Smell with your nose

Non-toxic plastic bags are odorless; those with a pungent odor or abnormal taste are toxic.

5. Submersion test method

Put the plastic bag in the water, press it to the bottom of the water with your hand, wait for a while, the non-toxic plastic packaging bag that surfaced is the non-toxic plastic packaging bag, and the one that sinks to the bottom is the toxic plastic packaging bag.

6. Combustion method

Non-toxic plastic bags are flammable, the tip of the flame is yellow, and the tip of the flame is cyan. , the bottom is green, softening can be brushed, and you can smell a pungent smell.